No Chrome for my old PII
For Windows Vista/XP SP2
Opera 10 works great though.
Hi malware fighters,
MS says the Chrome renderer plug-in will make IE8 more vulnerable. Plugins and add-ons are definitely a huge security issue; they usually remain unpatched longer than most and often end up doing more damage than vulnerabilities in the actual browser. As for IE + Google Chrome Frame potentially allowing for double the damage because the browser mutant would be open to a wider range of attacks, we’re going to have to call foul. Somehow we doubt there is a significant amount of malware specifically targeting Chrome, and for whatever exists, we’re pretty sure most would fail when encountering IE + Google Chrome Frame. These Web attacks would be written to be able to circumvent Chrome’s security measures and would simply not expect Internet Explorer’s security layers. In how far this is MS PR talk or based on facts has to be seen.
Chrome was the only browser left standing after day one of the famous Pwn2Own contest, remember.
Microsoft doesn’t like to admit it, but the fact is that market share is a disadvantage when it comes to security. It’s just more profitable for the bad guys aim for the largest crowd of marks.
I certainly will take a middle position considering the risks. Well forum friends. where do you stand?
No IE + Google Chrome Frame for me.
Microsoft warns of Google’s Chrome plug-in