Google Users Can Block Search Results to Cut Spam

Google Users Can Block Search Results to Cut Spam

By: Clint Boulton

Google March 10 added another Website blocking tool to let users manage domains they dislike or find offensive, part of the search engine’s effort to curb spam on

Google March 10 added a new tool to let users block Websites they don’t like when searching on, part of the company’s evolving push to give its 1 billion-plus searchers more control over their user experience.
The search engine is now showing an option next to the cached feature in search results to let users block a particular domain in the future.
When a user clicks to hide those results, they’ll get a confirmation message saying it will not show results from the domain again.
The next time a user searches and a blocked page would have appeared, users will see a message notifying them that the results have been blocked at the top or bottom of the results page, with location based on the relevance of the blocked pages…

The new feature is rolling out now on in English for people using Chrome 9+, Internet Explore 8+ and Firefox 3.5+, though Google will be expanding to new regions, languages and browsers.

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