Google vs. Yahoo mashups

Search wars are on, mashup style. Google and Yahoo go head to head and compare mapping and search results in these two beautiful mashups.

Gahooyoogle pits both of the major search engine results, displaying them side by side for comparison. Some of the search results were shocking. For instance, with a search of “Google”, I was shocked at some of the differences. For instance, Yahoo directed me to search using Yahoo as the first result, while searching for “Yahoo” in both browsers displayed proper search results in Google. In the image search category, Yahoo displayed no images for the recently unveiled “blackberry pearl 8100”, while Google images were overloaded with them.

Sergey Chernyshev built a little tool that puts both Yahoo and Google maps together. They are pretty much similar; however, I feel that Google has cleaner lines. What I like about searching in Google maps is that they have so nicely added major areas such as schools, museums, and local landmarks. Sergey’s site nicely displays the actual mapping co-ordinates as well. A nice use of the Yahoo, and Google mapping API’s.

Google fan aside and seeing results side by side, I think it’s safe to say that Google outweighs Yahoo in both search and map results.

I believe that any search engine that works for you without redirecting you to a site you didn’t need or want is good. I use several of them depending if I get the results I want or not starting with my first choice of search engines. :slight_smile:

Hi neal63,

But some do a little extra. Searching through (3 main engines to choose from) makes clicking your links a lot safer.
Scroogle is not keeping your search results or does not do your profiling, so is better privacy wise.
The old proxomitron has not lost its charm and effectiveness. As all anonymity is relative, Torpark is the best anonymous way to browse, aside from what you are doing searchwise.
TrackMeNot is a good way to obfuscate your search results, but stay with the 3.0 version, because that has still the option to use your private search query lists, so the profilers of the big search engine depots have a slightly harder time to separate your real results from the cloud of fake search results, else they just simply have to filter the ready made TMN queries out.
So keeping a bit of private ground is a constant battle, and you not only have to comply wioth Commerzialism also your Govt want your records.
