Got a question about Avast with Outlook Express

Okay, I uninstalled Norton & installed Avast. It’s the current version that’s available to download. In the past, I have been able to email large files(2.93mb is average) over my dial-up with no real issues.
Now…I can’t. I get SMTP errors “no response from server for 60 seconds” continously…and this didn’t happen before. Now I can’t even send small files either…without this happening. It’s frustrating. The files are only jpgs.

Okay, granted there might be something wrong with my internet provider, but I’m wondering if somewhere in the maze of options within Avast that’s causing this.

I’ve done a full system virus scan, ran adaware & spybot. System is clean. Don’t know what else to do, and I’m not as familiar with what all these options mean…

Do a little search on this board. The answer is explained in several threads. You need to change the timeout setting in avast.ini and/or the email client.

okay…thanks… :slight_smile:

Eddy, would you please explain what the timeout means? I had three messages re: avast! timeout, tried to do a search on it but couldn’t find anything. I don’t get those messages any more, but wondered what it means. ???

Hi Bob,
Thank you for the screen shot. I don’t know where Internet Accounts is. I still don’t know what the Avast! time out means; why do we need to configure it? ???

Sojourner, the ‘timeout’ is the period of the time that you allow to avast to scan an email before giving up. Generally it affects ‘big’ attachments or low connections… You could wait for hours to finish the email download and the scanning of it… So, to not stress your system you can give up earlier, after the timeout.

avast! timeout could be equal or higher than your email program timeout.
Generally, 5 minutes (600 seconds) is more than enough in DSL connections :wink:

Sorry, I misread the post. I have removed my post because it referred to time-out settings in OE.
Eddy is talking about the avast ini file usually found here:
C:\Program Files\Alwil Software\Avast4\DATA\avast4.ini
This file can be opened with Notepad or any other text editor.
( Don’t make changes in this file with out FIRST making a backup )
After carefully re-reading Eddy’s message, the change can be made in either your e-mail client or the avast4.ini file.
My advice is to do it in the e-mail client.

:)OK Technical,
I don’t think I need to make any changes; it seems to be working smoothly as is — I was just surprised to see a message that said Avast! timeout had expired. After the third time I decided to do a screen-shot the next time so I could ask about it, but I didn’t get the message any more yet.

Maybe your connection was low at that time or too stressed (downloads, etc.). Or the email attachment was too big. Just do what I suggested, make the avast timeout equal or greater than your email program timeout 8)

???How do I find this information about my email program timeout and where is the information about the Avast! timeout? ???

???How do I find this information about my email program timeout and where is the information about the Avast! timeout? ???

I followed your screen-shot even though it doesn’t read quite like my computer, and found my email timeout is 1 minute. :slight_smile:
Now, I can’t figure out where to find Avast’s timeout. ???

If you re-read Eddy’s and my post, it will guide you right to the avast4.ini file.
Since we used the same operating system, the pictures should be identical except mine have my individual settings.

I have read everything I can find — I got as far as DATA and when I hover the mouse over it, the list of contents said the ini file was there, but then I can’t find it.
I don’t want to change it anyway, but since I read a lot about the ini file and have never seen it, I just wanted to know where it is. Is there any other name for it?
Sorry, I don’t want to be a nuisance.

Provided you installed Avast! to it’s default installation folder, this where it is:
C:\Program Files\Alwil Software\Avast4\DATA\avast4.ini

Advanced tab of the Internet Mail provider 8)

Hi Technical,
Thanks to your screen shot, I got it! It is set for 120seconds. :slight_smile:

Bob, I don’t have an ini file. It is as I said, I get to DATA and it indicates there is an ini file in it, but there isn’t. :frowning:

Impossible, you should have: C:\Program Files\Alwil Software\Avast4\DATA\Avast4.ini

Maybe it’s hidden?
In Windows Explorer go to Tools > Folder Options > View (?) the second tab > move the slider down and ‘Show all files’ :wink:

author=Technical Impossible, you should have: C:\Program Files\Alwil Software\Avast4\DATA\Avast4.ini Maybe it's hidden? In Windows Explorer go to Tools > Folder Options > View (?) the second tab > move the slider down and 'Show all files' ;)
That was a good suggestion, Technical, but it didn't make the difference that I needed --- it led me to uncheck another box:"Hide extensions to known files" or something like that --- and that brought out the "ini". :)

Why didn’t you-all tell me it was the Configuration file? :wink:

Hi Sojourner,

Why didn't you-all tell me it was the Configuration file?
That's usually what an ini file is. Unfortunately your settings made you blind to all known file extentions. ;D ;D

Bob, I had asked someone a long time ago what an ini file is, and I was told it had some connection to the registry, and I have been warned to not get into the registry, so I accepted that — now, that answer seems to have been at least misleading, if not completely off base; anyway, this is to explain that I still didn’t know what an ini file is. :slight_smile:
I learned a lot yesterday; maybe some others learned a bit about their computers as well. :wink: