Got old license file when made a new purchasing

Today I bought 3 pc’s for 3 years for license renovation (avast pro), but when i got my email with the license file, it was the old one (which expires in 28 days), and not the new one with 3 years… I’ve tried cleaning my internet browser (cache), updated avast to last version, even download several times the same file but nothing… still the same old license file and not new one…

How do I get the correct license file? thanks!

You can see about getting a new one sent

nope, still getting back the same old lisence file :cry:

Hola Eblem. Bienvenido al foro.

Parece que sabes suficiente ingles asi que trata de conseguir tu nueva orden aqui:

Y mandales un e-mail explicando que pasa a sales[arroba]avast[punto]com

Lo mas seguro en uno o dos dias te mandan la licencia nueva.

Upss I thought I was answering your topic in the Spanish forum. Next time just post once please.