Got trial a virus too!


O.k finally got rid of the 2yr old and outdated norton,
and downloaded the anti-virus (great prog) found a virus that was missed it is called HLLP-Vova 10.1b and as it was there when i scanned (before creating a database) i dont seem to me able to repair the file can i just delete User Dat. or is that bad?

If avast reports the user.dat as infected, it could (very) likly be a false alarm. Please check it with a second Scanner like this one: You may have to Zip it , because it has a limit of 1 Mb.

Some descriptions can be found here:

What Windows do you use? Win98? If so you may get rid of that false alarm by using using “regedit /fix /nop” under plain DOS.

BTW: If you delete the user.dat Windows would not start anymore, the file contains parts of the Windowsregistry.!


hey got the online scanner to have a look at the file it says it’s clear so i’ll have to trust it. btw my OS is an always updated ME can i turn the warning off like in 98??

thanks in advance.

You can try a regedit /fix /nop inside a Win-me Dosbox. It should not “hurt”, and maybe works too. Close all not neccessary programms befor doing so.

I think the best “second” scanner (Backup scanning, without resident providers) is BitDefenderFree 7.0. See:
Having a layered defence could save you! and Freeware completely compatible with avast! on XP Pro :wink: