Got a prompting to update Avast-which I did[i have the free version]
Chrome downloaded.i removed chrome and now have gotoassist .
what is that?
Got a prompting to update Avast-which I did[i have the free version]
Chrome downloaded.i removed chrome and now have gotoassist .
what is that?
gotoassist is a remote desktop software that you or someone else can use to help you or you can help them on the computer.
it’s basically like someone sitting in front of your computer, if you need help they can use it to see your desktop and use your computer to fix problems for you.
it’s a good thing to keep you would say?
[ ]
will it be easy to remove if a choose to do so?
but…why did it download after i removed Chrome? which downloaded with Avast -which i don’t appreciate.
[I have a Dell btw]
Gotoasist is not free.
why is it on my computer if it’s not free?
I don’t know but it has a 30 day trial, after that you have to pay for it.
ok.that 's probably it.
i’m back
question …
why did it download after i removed Chrome? :-
[which downloaded with Avast update]
This is not part of the Avast/Chrome download… What is the date on the install and where did you get Avast from