GP code ak

Can someone from Avast tell me if Avast 4.8 will protect me against the dangerous Gpcode ak virus?

Hi Klauwkikker,

This is a race we are not going to win:
Even if Kaspersky with the help of other can crack the key, the malcreant can change it within 4 min,
trying to solve it in the wrong way can totally ruin a computer:


Is it possible to avoid the infection through signature antivirus? I don’t think so…
Is there any protection (besides very safe surf) against this?

It is possible that it could be detected by signature (after receipt of sample/s), if the process that does the encryption can be detected and the alarm raised then the encryption can’t take place.

The problem that is being talked about is the cracking of the encryption key so that the files can be decrypted, which has nothing to do with the detection pre-encryption but repair after infection ???

the file could be detected, but the decryption after infection is like a russian roulette maybe :-\

So, we’re protected (yet)? ???

Hi Avast users,
Is the Virus widely spread? Are there many peoples that are infected?
Thanks everybody :wink: