GPS Coordinates tab will not list any coordinates, Incorrect Time, Zig Zag GPS

For the past week or so the “GPS Coordinates” tab will not list any coordinates taken. This is even though the “Locator Map” tab has several coordinates mapped out just fine. I tried different browsers and different computers to no avail. on the “GPS Coordinates” tab I am able to select “Remove All” and it will remove all the stars mapped out on the map tab. Please help!

Also, I dont know if this is related, but the coordinates mapped out on the Locator Map tab are sometimes the correct time, and sometimes of a different time zone (always 6 hours ahead). How do I fix this time issue??

In addition, on the “Locator Map” tab, the GPS locations seem to update with a new location correctly, but then the next reading will go back to a previous location, causing the map to zig zag back and forth between the current location and a previous location (where the first command was sent to start taking readings). I have updated to the latest version of avast mobile and still the same problems above still exist!

I got the same problem… no coords listed on GPS Coordinates tab but shows coords on map tab…


thanks for bringing this to our attention! I’ll contact the development team to fix this issue.



We are working on it. Seems to be a bug.

it works now but you have to clear your browser cache to get rid of the buggy javascript.

Great, thanks, its working now!

How do I fix the time issue? All the readings are still 6 hours ahead of my timezone. The phone time I know is correct. Where does the avast portal take the location times from? The phone? The PC viewing the website? Please help!

The GPS coordinates problem has been fixed.

it is the server time. we will support user time zone setting in web in a future release but at this time it is like that.