GPS stays ON after one time SMS LOCATE

I have 2 Samsung Galaxy S2 SPH-D710 phones on Sprint stock rom rooted, both with Avast Anti-Theft.

Phone #1 has not been updated and is running 2.0.4838 and when a SMS LOCATE command is recieved it enables wifi and gps, sends location information, then turns off wifi and gps

Phone #2 is running 3.0.6897 and when a SMS LOCATE command is recieved it enables wifi and gps, sends location information, then turns off wifi only leaving gps ON.

Both phones have exactly the same following protection behavior settings:

Force data connect on is enabled
Automatically enable GPS is enabled
Hide GPS icon is enabled (although it does not hide the icon)

Fhone #2 GPS should turn off after completing LOCATE function but does not, please advise on fix or this a bug in the updated version?

Thank you

I just installed avast! antitheft on my note 2 and noticed the same behavior. It will turn on the GPS but it would be nice to be able to turn it off remotely after getting the GPS location. Even though it was a one event tracking, I tried going into the tracking and telling it to send a “stop continuous tracking” command and the GPS still remains on after that command as well. I’d like to request that it be updated to automatically turn off the GPS after a single locate request, turn off after “stop continuous tracking”, or have a new command implemented in the web interface to “Stop GPS”. I just think that if avast! turns on the GPS (per my request), it should be able to turn it back off (either automatically when done, or per my request). Otherwise I really like the software, and while I realize my complaint may be nitpicking, it’s still something I hope will be added (or fixed).

I updated phone #1 to the recent version and the GPS is behaving properly. I do not have Google Hangouts installed in phone #1. Wonder if this is the culprit. I am installing hangouts to test further. Will report back my findings.

Some other things to note here:

Phone #2 was having GPS problems, would not locate satellites. I took phone apart and adjusted the contacts on the board to better contact the antenna. It is now picking up satellites. After the adjustment i re-flashed the phone back to factory rom, rooted then installed Avast Anti Theft.

installed google hangouts and the GPS is still behaving properly…

Well, if you find out why the GPS doesn’t turn off on phone 2, please post your finding, as my phone’s problem may be the same as phone 2’s.

Seeing as how i have put all 4 of the Galaxy S2 phones in my home together myself and have extra boards and parts i may install a new board into phone #2 and see if that resolves the issue. However, A GPS OFF command may be a solution Avast should consider…

Also, i submitted a ticket and included a link to this thread. let’s see what they say…

Here is their reply… I will give it a go in the next few days. You can attach files to the ticket. Maybe you should give it shot too.


For more details about the issue please create a log file and send it to us as an attachment.

To create the log file please create an empty file called “avast-debug” on your /sdcard root directory (on Android 4.x phones there might be a user subdirectory in the sdcard path - if yes use that)
The “avast-debug” file will stay empty, as it’s existence is only a flag for the app to generate more detailed log output, which you’ll send later.

Then please download and install free application called aLogcat on your mobile phone, run the aLogcat application and then try to recreate the problem again. After this is done please run the aLogcat application once more, press “Menu” button and tap on “Save”. This will create a log of what exactly happened on the phone. ALogcat will show you where exactly is this log file saved (usually on sdcard in aLogcat folder) and if you can send us this file as an attachment it might help us to investigate this problem further.

Now you can delete “avast-debug” again from your sdcard.

Thank you,

Jakub Vaňous
Technical support

Update on this issue for those playing along…

I sent Avast support a reply with the log they requested for phone #2 and they replied today and told me to check the box for Split SMS in the Advance settings (CDMA). This was already checked and I never thought for a second the suggested fix had anything to do with GPS.

I installed the newest version of Anti-Theft in phone #1 (3.0.7118) and installed the new Google Hangouts and the phone is behaving as it always has. GPS turns off after a locate.

Additional phone #3 updated and tested was found to turn off GPS after a SMS locate command. It is painfully obvious that the GPS is supposed to turn OFF after a SMS Locate Command is completed.

Phone #2 is not functioning properly. Does not turn OFF GPS after a Locate Command is executed.

All 3 phones are Sprint branded Galaxy S2 4G Touch SPH-D710 running stock GB27 (android 4.1.2) Rooted using odin oneclick. All Anti-theft settings are identical.

I have also noticed that using their built in SMS Remote fails to send the SMS on all devices… I continue to use A! Commands (3rd party app) to send SMS to all phones. Also I see no Kit-Kat settings as mentioned in their warnings regarding Google Hangouts.

I have the same problem. I have a rooted Nexus 5 and when I send the locate command from the web interface (only once option) then the GPS icon remains visible. Then I send an ‘Stop continuous location’ and the icon disappears BUT the GPS remains on.

Maybe the problem is that the location I get is from GSM (as I am indoors) and I still tries until a valid GPS position is send? I said this because if the location is given by the GPS it works fine.

There is no way to hide the GPS icon? I recently lost a phone and somebody get it and he cleaned the phone (it had installed Prey but it didn’t work well). If I block the phone, the thief will shutdown and drop it and I will never get my phone back. I want to remain silently and get all the info (SMS card, location, photo) so I can send the police and get my phone back.

I have premium latest version of Anti-Theft.