Grammar errors and spelling mistakes in the Norwegian version

Word splitting:

Error: “Ved-tilgang beskyttelses kontroll”.
It should be “Ved-tilgang beskyttelseskontroll”.
Even though that translation doesn’t make much sense.

Error: Internet E-post
It should be something along “Internett og e-post”

Error: P2P Skjold
It should be P2P-skjold

Error: Web Skjold
It should be Web-skjold

Error: Ved-tilgang skanner
It should be Ved-tilgang-skanner. The upper one means “one-access is scanning” which is not correct in the context.

Capital letters where it should not be capital letters:

Error: “Øvre størrelse på Loggfilen”
Correct: “Øvre størrelse på loggfila” (loggfilen is also allowed but it is generally old fashion)

Error: “Oppdater (Grunnleggende)”
Correct: “Oppdater (grunnleggende)”. It is a noun so non capital letter.

Error: Oppdater (Forbinnelse)
Correct: "Oppdater (forbinnelse)

Other general:
Internet is written with two T’s. Internett.

It is not a direct flaw but the “standard” is to use “tjener” instead of “server”

“Settingene” means setting as in setting of a film, not setting as in application settings so use “innstillinger” instead.

“Servicer” is not a Norwegian word. “Tjenester” is (systemtjenester).

“version” is not a Norwegian word. “Versjon” is.

“Resident” in Norwegian means “representant som europeiske stater hadde i sine kolonier og protektorater” (source), which I don’t think makes much sense to use in an application.

There are tons of more errors, and I don’t want to go through more of them. Most is word splitting or weird words.

walkie talkie voice Grammar nazi out.