Great Detection!!!

Hey everybody it’s radicalb21. I just wanted to say how great the virus detection is for avast. I installed avast on a friends computer. It found 582 known viruses and 1 detected via heuristics for a total of 583. I also scanned the same machine with other antivirus products and let me say the results were not as good. Way to go AVAST!!! What a great product.

1 via heuristics? Are you sure?

583 :o
How can anybody allow their computers to get into that state ???

Hey Rejzor,
It’s radicalb21. The 1 virus was identified as win32 gen (VC). I thought it was via heuristics. I could be wrong;. This could be a generic detection method for a virus that has yet to specifaclly identiified. I don’t know but maybe you could correct me.

this is a test from neowin.Isn’t it ;).The file is named as 455viren.rar and there ar 600virusses in :o

No this is not a test from . This was a friends pc who said something just isn’t right can you take a look. I am still in the process of deleteing viruses as we speak. Some of the virus are so nasty that I’m having to use Bart PE which is a preinstalled windows operating system with various plugins to try and remove these nasty bugs.

No, Radical… you shouldn’t clean that computer from viruses… :slight_smile:

That’s so strange, that would be great to keep that computer contaminated as it is… ;D Just try to imagine, you sleep in that room, and whenever you look at your PC, you know that inside lives million of ugly viruses… just like Pandora’s Box ;D


Cheers !

I would’ve just formatted. It is odd though, I’m wondering if he downloaded the file from Neowin and ran it by accident. This would suggest a lot.

No I didn’t download the file from . First this isn’t my machine it is a friends computer from work.

Delta last post is very pertinent :wink:

Hi Kobra, what are you looking for, really ? :o

I didn’t say you, I was talking about your friend. It sounds like he did or something sent them to him via email and he opened it. I don’t think any Anti virus actually picked up all of the viruses though so you may have a problem…

Hi Kobra, what are you looking for, really ?
He was tell him that Avast! wouldn't pick up all the viruses from the file (which is true) and that he will probably have to use a variety of sources to complete the task.

See thats what I find a bit odd. I keep hearing different numbers for how many viruses was in that one file. Some are saying a little over 600 and some less. But the person that first posted that file states “Contrary to the filename which tells you 455 viruses, no it is not. Actual total is 593. If your antivirus detected them all, well done.”

Also bilemke on here posted that avast! only missed 8 of those viruses. Plus they reported they sent those 8 it missed into ALWIL so they can get added to avast! :slight_smile:

I tested it and avast! found about %99, which is really good imho. I hate when people get all scared when it misses some. Nothing is perfect. None of this deters me from using avast!

Yea, Kaspersky said there was 603 viruses though, I’m wondering if it picked up some false positives. Avast! did just as well as Norton, BitDefender and NOD32.

It is correct that all those virrusses are from the test-pack from neowin.

I don’t believe he is actualy infected with them…he just unpacked the zip file, that’s all.

nothing to worry about really, unless he manualy excecuted every virus (file) he unpacked :o imagine that ! lol


Waldo, quite happy to see you back. You should be very usefull in specific and technical threads about virus…
Wellcome back 8)

The Maxx

A good note about those that detected 600 approx. It is possible they detected more then one virus per file. Is it a possibility is that after detecting a virus, Avast does not continue to search a file for others?

I doubt it, because there are only 490 files or something and Avast picks up 580 (give or take) viruses.

I don't believe he is actualy infected with them...he just unpacked the zip file, that's all.
So he could just delete all the files and then run a full virus scan. Edit: But it does sound like he ran them since he said that his computer was having problems.

I don’t think that test is anything to get all “Hot” about… Its hardly what i’d call accurate. :smiley:

Avast did fine, i’ve gotten verification from Kaspersky labs, that at least 6 of the files in that archive are dead viruses. Which basically means they got altered to the point they are no longer a threat. But some AV’s are picking them up as a threat.

I believe the total actual real count of that archive is 593, with 6 of them being “Dead” viruses. Bringing the total down to 587… Avast missed 7, thats reasonably good. In fact, Avast might have missed less given the dead ones if they are in the mix.

Now, what someone needs to do, is take the ones Avast missed, subtract out the dead ones, archive them, and send them to Avast. The dead ones specifically are:


Exclude those, send the rest to, and go from there… Help improve the product for everyone.