Green Box

A green box has just popped up on my desktop saying “Avast Free Antivirus You are protected with a TICK”. I have never seen this box before, and it is obtrusively placed, and I cannot delete it. Help, please.

Post a screenshot.

Sorry, I can’t. When I click on the inset image icon, I just get [img] [img] come up on screen

If you reply here you’ll find the option below the text box → “Attachments and other options”

Thanks. Image attached. You will see how obtrusive the box is, it cannot be moved or deleted

That popup is normally only seen when you hover the mouse over the avast tray icon.

I have no Avast Tray icon showing, the box appeared just after running a SmartScan

Reboot your system.

I’m on my XP Pro system so that popup doesn’t appear in the case I mentioned, as it is cruddy text based notification. But it is the same as your image on my win7 netbook when I hover over the tray icon, I haven’t seen it appear on Smart Scans either (though I rarely run them on this netbook).

Just sorted it, I think. Activated Shutdown and a message said that Windows 10 was updating. So I shut the machine down, restarted it,and the green box disappeared. Must have been stuck between the update and shutdown. This is the problem with Windows 10, it does not tell you when it is updating, so you do not know until you try to shut down.

Anyway, thank you all for your replies.

You’re welcome, glad that you have it sorted now.

These are the things that have me hanging back from win10. I think as and when I do get it I will get the Win10 Pro version to stop this update nonsense.

I agree, if you are going to update with a paid version, Pro is the one to go for. Of course, if you are still on XP you will have to pay anyway!

You’re welcome.