greetings need some assistance please

greetings it has been awhile, but hello all. i had some personal matters to attend to and still doing so. how do i retrieve my avast IS key that vlk gave us way back when for testing the 5.0 beta . old pc ran agroud and all my files as well have new pc now and jst setting it up. can anyone help me with this please. I TRIED THE RESEND LICENSE KEY AND REPLY EMAIL STATED NO LICENSE ON RECORD BUT MAYBE DUE TO VLK GIVING US THE that 2 year key via email. so im dead in the water with no key.

Maybe an email to VLK will help ???;u=4

yikes must have went senile for a bit thanks i will try.

We all have our moments :wink:
Save the licence key on a Flash stick for safe keeping.

yes i will definitely take your advice and make that happen thanks again