need to understand this problem please, i was going to do a scan on my pc and there is alert message on the avast screen that says there is evidence of grime on your pc. there is a button to install grime fighter but i did not hit any buttons. i wonder how this grime fighter got planted in my pc without my permission. i did a file check in my pc and sure enough there is grime fighter in my files. i tried uninstall this grime fighter but wont go away. any one know what the heck is going on?

You can go to your “Windows” Control Panel for Programs (installs) and under Avast gives you option to “Change”…uncheck GrimeFighter.
If you used the Custom Install it did show this option but most folks just used the standard/defaults install…so “that” is how is how it got on your PC.
There are many threads on the subject…just one:
I personally would never use a one-button cleaner.
Here’s a good thread on this and the theory of use or non-use: