grimefighter has disappeared ?

Hi all first post as Ive just joined paid for and got grimefighter for 3 computers seamed to work fine for three months now the icon and all traces have gone ? I have paid for a service/ upgrade and I cannot use it help ! :cry:

control panel > software > avast > change > change
Is GrimeFighter still ticked?
If not do so.

If it is, remove the tick, let avast do its work, reboot
Go back there and put the tickmark back, let avast do its work, reboot

Let us know if that solved it.

I’ve got the same problem. Running Windows 7 and Grimefighter has completely disappeared… Tried the above steps but they have had no effect.

I also got the same problem. I have a working GrimeFighter license and I cannot start GrimeFighter. Avast runs on a Windows Vista. Everything seems to work fine. My license is okay, I can see and customize GrimeFighter on settings>tools>GrimeFighter, but I cannot start it. Can anyone help me? Thanks. (Avast version: 2014.9.0.2021)

I am so frustrated.

I an running windows 7 home premium and my Grimefighter will not start up as it can’t verify the licence.

I got a message that says “Requested Service Not Available. Please Try Again Later”.

Does anyone know how to get a hold of someone at Avast?


Hello Amanda.
The Service may be down temporally,
You may find some useful info here:

Also use this Contact Form to describe your issue IN DETAIL and/or if not resolves you can use this form to contact Avast for a Refund here:

Please BEWARE of Phone support as this is a 3rd. Party Support Service contracted by Avast and is not recommended because of scare/pressure tactics used to sell their services.
If there is no resolution post your support ticket # here in this topic. :slight_smile: