Grimefighter - This logic is brainless and this is being kind

Your grimefighter just popped up out of Avast free so I siad I would give it a chance and let is fix problems.
Nest thing I know it is installing a new software without permission and is trying to install chrome which I have refused over and over.
Then it needs a restart so like a good little jackass I let it. Surprise during boot it sends a message saying it cannot run with my operating system (Windows XP). So why did it install in the first place?
A search to get rid of grimefighter sends me to this message board. Well I get erid of it but then it is still appearing in my boot. HOW IN THE (&%&^% do I get it out of my boot?

I should have expected this after you started your “Windows support is gone” terror campaign. Of course you would to get people to install Chrome which is another piece of trash from a company that hijacks computers too.

I want this junk out of my computer NOW!!!

Control Panel>add/remove>double click “avast”>click “change”>untick what you don’t want>reboot

GrimeFighter is a great concept since many users don’t know what “junk” is on their computers.
GrimeFighter helps get rid of the other junk that could cause even greater issues.

As I saidd I did that and grimefighter is still in my start up.

Is there going to be any response from Avast ?
You install something that shows it will not work on boot but never check it when you install it?
So now you have infected my boot…

If it is still in your start up then presumably it is also in add, remove programs, etc. as it is a stand alone application. If so uninstall it from the control panel.

It is just that there is a control element in the avast interface.

It’s just something they’re using to try and scare you into, worry you into and or either way get you to buy. Get you to buy another one of their products they have and sell. Personally, it’s just yet another thing I’m sick of and fed up with and within Avast. Good marketing on their part. But it’s being done through or by what I feel is SPAM! They’re spamming you within their own product and it’s sickening. Kind of like what google does if you use googles g-mail. Gee, I wonder why Avast is pushing google chrome?