GSpot v2.60 Analyse that video for codecs...

Hi forum friends,

Sometimes you want to change the extension of a video or want to check what codecs it has.
A beautiful application to do so is GSpot Codec Information Appliance. you can download this small tool here:
Sometimes you need a video on your comp for a presentation and it comes as flv file or as an avi file.
Flv type video files can be played right on with VLC media player, all you further need is the DownloadHelper add-on in fx or flock browser.

Nirsoft also has a handy portable freeware proggie, with this you are able to copy videofiles from Internet Explorer, Firefox, Opera en Chrome cache to the desktop (or somewhere else). Just load the file you want fully from YouTube for instance, when completed open up VideoCacheView, then select the file you want, right click and copy to… (F7)



Thanks for the info Pol…

I really nid these info…u just gotta love videos…^^


Hey Damian !

Nice find.
There seem to be quite a few proggies for downloading Youtube videos out there. Never tried them though as i just use my download manager(Orbit) for this …