Avast Free 17.1.2286 (updated today) under Win 7 Home Premium x64
Minor but annoying: the main user interface window (right-click tray icon / Open Avast user interface) does not respond to clicks on its minimize or close icons – no highlight or cursor effects are visible. Window can only be closed by right-click/Close Window via statusbar icon.
I don’t believe it will cost you any custom settings, however it wouldn’t hurt to Back up settings first (avastUI > Settings > General > scroll down to the bottom of the screen - Back up settings).
Although I’m using the current beta build 17.2.2287 the Minimise and Close icons in the main UI page are working. I can’t recall any other instances of them not working on the 17.2.2286 version being reported in the forums.
Update: I’ve learned the GUI is working correctly under my Admin user account – but still not under my Standard user account. I ran today’s update from within the Standard account (which I use for most purposes), which may be germane or not. Before attempting a repair/reinstall, does this fact suggest any other steps?
Well there are different things/situations for limited users in avast, but I can’t for the life of me think why that my extend to blocking the minimise ans close icons.
Generally as a limited user you wouldn’t be able to change or remove avasts functions or settings.
Well, running a repair from Control Panel did nothing. Neither did dropping by Reynholm Industries briefly.
As I write, Avast itself appears to be working correctly in all other regards except that none of the icons in the main interface titlebar – Alert, Help, Min, Close – function or respond to mouseover. I can grab the window by the titlebar and move it, but not engage with those items. Still able to close from statusbar context menu.
I’ll probably wait it out until the next update and see what’s what. Meantime if anyone else experiences this issue and/or has a eureka moment, please let me know.
This is certainly a strange one considering it works in an admin account.
Whilst this suggestion isn’t a solution, it may help in the meantime. AvastUI > Settings > Troubleshooting and uncheck the ‘Limit program access for Guest account.’ I’m working on my win10 laptop which has the 12.3.2280 version of avast, but I believe this setting would be in the same place.
Obviously if this is where the problem lies (and I’m not sure if it is), to change that you would need to be using your admin account to make the changes.
Thanks, but no effect. Interestingly, the close button on the Troubleshooting sub-window worked perfectly, but the main UI set remains unresponsive.
Also I have never had any previous issues making changes to Avast settings from within my Standard account – either they are allowed (eg, this Guest account change was) or I’m prompted for the Admin password before each function.
Now it gets interesting. I had some time to kill so I downloaded the offline installer, uninstalled (normally, did not use aswClear) and reinstalled Avast (all from the Admin account) and, as I write, I’m back in my Standard account, with a fresh install of 17.1.2286, and – tada! – it’s still happening: none of the titlebar icons in the main interface window respond in any way. I can still grab the titlebar and move the window, can still close it from systray context, but it’s like that Twilight Zone episode with the faces: No change! No change at all! ;D :o
Well that’s kinda harsh, considering I seem to be the only human being on the planet experiencing it, as far as we know – which can be said about a lot of freaky glitches, more’s the pity.
Looks like a minor issue but if you want to help the developpers you could make some further tests.
(Considering that your problem occurs with Avast 17.1.2286 but not with previous versions).
Are the minimize/close buttons grayed-out (like disabled) when the main Avast window is active/inactive ?
(you can compare with the color of these button in other windows to see if Avast ones are always grayed-out)
Does Alt+F4 close the main Avast window ?
Does Winlogo+M minimize the main Avast window ?
Are the minimize/close buttons grayed-out (like disabled) when the main Avast window is active/inactive ?
Not as far as I can tell – though these icons are grey-on-grey – they look identical to their inactive state in the functioning window (Admin account). The mouseover highlight/glow effect never occurs, and they are unresponsive to any clicks.
Does Alt+F4 close the main Avast window ?
Does Winlogo+M minimize the main Avast window ?
Yes (minimizes all active windows as usual).
To confirm, this issue did not present in any previous version (direct update from 12.x).
Because I’m nothing if not stubbornly persistent, I uninstalled Avast using aswClear, scrubbed my system of all known traces, rebooted yadda yadda and reinstalled – only to find: no change. Main interface titlebar icons remain unresponsive. FWIW one new crumb of info: whatever the cause it’s tied to my current user profile, because (A) the other Admin profile does not have the problem, and (B) changing this profile to Admin does not solve it. So it’s not you, it’s me. Humbug.