Guys help me out

i have an infected file on my virus chest but i have sent it for analyze so i thought by now it would resolve when i click solve but it is failing to get solved when i restore it it keeps on saying the virus has been detected what do i do??

how long should i keep it on the virus chest will the be a solution for it??

Why did you send it, do you think it is a False Positive?

When did you send it?

what file is it and what does avast say about it?

nooooo! i sent it as a potential malware …and i sent it yesterday and avast haven’t aid a thing to me ever since

nooooo! i sent it as a potential malware ....
Why? ... avast already detect and quarantined it you say above
and i sent it yesterday and avast haven't aid a thing to me ever since
What responce did you want?

Maybe you missunderstand what quarantine (chest) is and how it work ?

avast chest FAQ >

Quarantine, Delete, or Clean: Which Is Best for a Virus? >

i thought there will be a solution for the threat because when ever i click relve it says 0 resolved so i thought when i report it the will be a solution for the malware

I cant see that solve button in any of the pictures in the chest guide so not sure what that is … something new?
Do you have a screenshot?