Guys, please help me I am totally desperate...

I think I just got a big virus attack here.

I’ve been using Avast for a year and it was working fine. Until recently my internet connection was not very well so Avast didn’t get update well and at the end it could not connected to the server to get iAVS anymore.

Now my connection is back OK, but then i found that my pc suddenly is full of viruses. I managed to remove some of them already. Except for the one called Win32: Kate M (something like this) which keeps coming back even if I delete the file (the infected file is foajmim.dat)

What should i do? I already scanned my pc using Avast, or other Spyware scanner programs (etc.) They didn’t help. It is even blocking me from loading websites and sometimes cut my connections…I can even access

How do I:

  • remove the virus Kate M ?
  • Avast still can’t connect to the iAVS server :frowning:
  • My system restore is also not recognizing anything anymore.

Please HELP me…please. :-[



Did you try the anti malware named Malwarebytes 1.42 Free Anti-Malware ?

No but i have tried Super AntiSpyWare which didn’t help either.

you think the MalwareByte can solve this?

I also received this error message “Generic Host Process for Win32 services…” in a popup every time i start up the pc…


You may receive the following error message after you start the computer: Generic Host Process for Win32 Services Error Note This problem only occurs in Microsoft Windows XP Service Pack 2 (SP2).

What is your system specifications - you may have needed to update to Service Pack 3

In the meantime, you may have got a virus.

Turn off System Restore - rightclick My Computer - select System Restore - check box to turn off
Run avast boot-time scan if you can

hi Mkis,

I have already updated to SP3 yesterday but it seems to be too late. The message still keeps showing until now.

I also have done the system restore turn off as well and running Avast in Safe mode, it’s found the Kate M in the memory check but it can’t do anything. If i press Move to chest or Delete or Rename, It’s still coming back.

But strangely I can update iAVS when i’m in the Safe Mode with network.

let me know what i could still try.

thanks a lot in advance

The other guys have pretty much covered what I would use.

Did you try boot scan
right click icon in system tray lower right hand corner of screen–choose to Start avast!
–scanner comes on screen – right-click body of scanner - choose Schedule boot time scan

To run boot scan —set thorough—check archive—select move to chest —check allow move
Reply post outcome to forum

Otherwise I think perhaps more info is needed to address problem. Maybe some screenshots.
As there doesn’t seem to be anything to be found on Kate M.

Hi Jenny…

It appears W32.Kate also goes by W32.Fujacks. Although I have not found a professional removal tool for this particular virus/trojan, there is a general set of instructions here, although it doesn’t list your particular variant. It should work anyway. Just click on “Click here” on the bottom.

Here is an interesting tidbit concerning Fujacks, if anyone is interested.

May God bless you :slight_smile:

Timely contribution ardvark. Excellent. Have added info to my virus database.

And good luck Jenny.

Hi mkis…

Thank you, glad I could help! :slight_smile:

God bless :slight_smile:

Hi ardvark/mkis!

thanks a lot. it sounds very hopeful.
I will try this at home and get you the result.

I really hope this will solved.


Hi Jenny…

You’re welcome, I hope it helps. :slight_smile:

God bless :slight_smile: