hack on my iMac?


utilizing the ‘home network security scan’ w/the free avast version, it indicates that there are 2 devices. one, ‘hon hai’ gives the icon of a device with an antenna-i assume it represents a bluetooth device. and mine, ‘this mac’ with a computer icon. the ip address of hon hai differers from mine only by one numeral. it is in my system preferences/network i have the ip address, and then below a different number under the heading IPV6 address. i was being harassed by a woman on Facebook since 2012, who then began working as an executive assistant to the vp at time warner, my service provider, and i had problems daily getting online, and my phone was hacked, and computer and Facebook accounts. she has since left that business. i need to know how i can find out who this is? i have limited financial means and cannot afford and expensive it person to come in. since i believe it is through my network or someone near by with a bluetooth device i don’t believe having it examined at apple will help. i had that done when it was being repaired in any case. in any event it indicating that i have 2 devices, one with this unfamiliar name. would this not be proof i am being monitored? there have been other things such as
whats app indicating that there is a 2nd computer logged on. this happens more and more often. i then log out and sign on w/iphone/bar code. any advice would be appreciated. thank you, richard

The device with the antenna is most probably your router (the address would suggest that too).
So sorry, no hackers on your computer/network :wink:

About the other problems, report it to the police (with prove) and let them handle things.