hacker defender 100 rootkit!

hi :slight_smile:

i have avast in my pc and my settings set to high sensitivity.

yesterday i just wanted to test unhackme software for fun and also double check my pc like everytime

so i installed it and checked my pc

this one found hackerdefender100 rootkit in my services

already i checked my windows every month with zam and hitmanpro im wonder how they didn’t find this fk
i google it (hcakerdefender100 i) and found smth but not much

am i infected? or some one spy me for long time?
sorry for my bad eng :frowning: :stuck_out_tongue:

and here frst logs:

HKLM\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Internet Explorer: Restriction <======= ATTENTION there is noly one ATTENTION what is it?

Did you let Malwarebytes fix what it found? log say no user action

this one found hackerdefener100 rootkit in my services
Have you considered false Positive? Have you checked the file at virustotal.com ?

if you want a check, follow instructions in the sticky post at top in this forum section > Logs to assist in cleaning malware

no i didnt
i will do it now
that hackerdefender was rootkit couldnt check that in vt and i didnt

malwarebyte found 3 problem they are not issue cuz i disabled notifcations by my self days ago
so that mean malwarebyte log is clean


PUM = Possible Unwanted Modification
Malwarebytes does not know if you did it or malware did it, so it will warn/ask :wink:

Malware expert will check your logs when online, probably not before tomorrow

thnx sir :smiley:
ye i know mlawrebyte doesn’t know

so i will check my post tomorrow ;D

but dude mlawreyte is worst antimalware and so broken
i preff gridinsoft anti-malware and i think its 10x better than malwarebytes :stuck_out_tongue:

but dude mlawreyte is worst antimalware and so broken
Use the free version, the problems they have are mostly with the realtime protection module on latest version

but so so detection rate!

i preff gridinsoft anti-malware and i think its 10x better than malwarebytes :P

Okay :wink:


Why does all malware removal experts always start with running malwarebytes? there may be a good reason :wink:

lol pc mag? :smiley: i know that
i knew that review
pc mag is lie:D i never trust it
he write what he want
cuz already i chekced my pc with both program when Malwarebyte told me im clean ! trojan killer found more than 20 important malicious! also i said that According to my personal Experience

nvm bro i cant talk about Malwarebyte here in this post

There is no evidence of a Rootkit in your logs. If you think Greatis software is fine than use it to remove the malware. Or possibly scan with TDSSKiller software.

hei sir
thnx for reply :smiley:

i did with tdsskiller already
also trendmicro anti rootkit
they found nothing
only greatis found this one
ty anyway

only greatis found this one
Have you uploaded and tested file at www.virustotal.com ?

Post link to scan result here

hi sir
dude that was rootkit and i deleted it with unhackme days ago how i can scan it with vt when i removed it?
also i think u cant scan hidden services with vt! cuz its hide
am i right?

dude that was rootkit and i deleted it with unhackme days ago how i can scan it with vt when i removed it?
If it is a file that is moved to quarantine, then you restore it from quarantine and upload it to VT If you have deleted then it is to late

ye i removed that unhackme too