Hacker that has been trying to kill me

I have been having issues trying to use the Avast Premium in scanning my WiFi. I have found deprecated files within my setting page that seem to be part of the issue. But, this code below is on every device I have owned in the last six years. I find this in the developer tools under the setting area in developer tools under workspace. I am not a developer, the only reason why I would even look in this area was because of this non stop harassment for the last 6 years. This person has gotten me fired from 5 jobs, prevented me for dozens. Does anyone else have this particular code under workspace of the setting in developer tools. I need to report this person to the F.B.I. and Seattle Police Department if not because these hackers have literally destroyed every aspect, concept, and relationship in my life.


This is on all of my devices and seems to be the source of my problems. The person solely responsible for this is Mads Kristensen madskristensen

I did want to share this video I made showing how the Avast Premium Security has been corrupted and not able to scan my Wifi.


Can you please provide a link to the video or screenshots showing the issue?
Please see this article on how to generate a screenshot. https://support.avast.com/en-ww/article/Create-screenshot

Hello everyone. I have been trying to reply to this post for 3 days now. I have discovered that I am under attack and they are using a Self-XSS attack. I have endless videos of what they are doing to me daily, but I actually made one for the one fella that asked me to show him a video. I will try to put it up on youtube now. But, I have a feeling this page is gonna error right now anyways.

Ok everyone. I want to show you a couple of screenshots of some of the illegal activity that I am referring to. In order for me to post a youtube video, I have to, of course, enable java to run on it. But, I have to be careful because that is exactly where I have traced the remote user. I’ll show you now. Haha, it just errored and said the file was too large. The screenshot was exceeded 1024 mb. So, I am gonna have to crop the screenshot and try that work around.

Woot!!! Woot!! Ha ha. It worked. These guys are tripping out right now, my keyboard is about 120 degrees and this Chromebook is about to die and join the rest of them. Anyways, that is showing some of the cross scripting. Now, back to the video about the Avast Premium Security bugging out.

Here is the Self XSS attack embedded within my Google account page.

So, I am renaming the screenshots and that seems to be working. Now, I am going to show you the depricated file that I believe is a key part of security breach. It states that it is owned by a masonfreed@chromium.org. When it say he owns it, does that mean he is responsible for what it is doing to me? Please tell me if it means that he is the hacker or he is the one that has been assigned to fix it. I assumed it was him that was causing the situation and sent him an email stating that he is trying to kill me and that I would be coming for him. Then, I got a call from the F.B.I. I was so excited that finally someone is looking into this, because it has costed me well over $500,000, all my relationships, 5 jobs, dozens of opportunities, tons of chics phone numbers, etc… endless hours of misery. Probably aged me by 15 years no joke.

Now, does any one want to see the coding that they are using to remotely gain access to my Chromebook? I have so much data and documentation of this. I can give you guys a small sample. This is called the fake box. I mean guys, do you think that someone can give me some kind of bug reward? They have destroyed so many devices at my current resident that I have been evicted. They have done this to me 6 times in under 3 years. I am broke and gonna be homeless here in about 72 hours. Here is 45 pages of this illegal code that has destroyed me. Now, keep in mind. I have thousands of pages and videos of so many hacks that they have used. Remember this has been going on every minute of every hour of everyday for over six years. I am exhausted to say the least. Now, broke, exhausted, lack of rest, no friends, been disowned by my family because they think I am crazy. When people say keep fighting… it is rough. My towel is just barely hanging on to that last rope in the ring. Wow, it said the pdf was too big. Let me change the name. Ok they are onto me and preventing me from posting the 45 pages… Ill think of something. Crap, I tried to zip it. But you dont allow that.

WOOOHOOOO… I DID IT!!! Ok, I had to change it to a png file. But, when you guys see all the crap in there you will trip out. Please someone confirm and state on this forum that I am being hacked. Please. Someone, anyone state that they can see that I am under hackert attack.

Ok, guys and gals. My network is going down, I know it. My TV just turned off and I have seen this time and time again. Chromebook crashed, my phone turned off. Here we go. So, if I don’t reply for a couple of days, I am just getting new devices, but DO NOT CLOSE this ticket. I am begging you. I just pray someday, someone or some group of people will see what is being done to me and step in and stop this neverending torture. It really has costed me my life and I will share all of the material I have gathered, just so it may prevent them to do this to another innocent person.


We would recommend making sure that your account has all security features enabled https://myaccount.google.com/security-checkup. Please check all extensions installed in the Chromebook and consider hard resetting your device https://support.google.com/chromebook/answer/3296214?hl=en.
The security Avast can provide for Chromebooks is quite limited.
If the device is getting too hot then you might want to consider taking the device to your nearest repair shop for Chromebooks.
If the situation is this serious then we would definitely recommend contacting your local authorities.

Hi - I’m not sure how to message you privately or if you will receive this since it has been so long but I just googled the same very long file name that you put in your post above and found this article. I have been dealing with this since July 2021. I know how life-ruining it can be. I would really like to connect as I have had an extremely similar experience. I very much know how you felt and hope it has gone away for you - can’t believe I’m still dealing with it 2 years later.

Anyways I really hope that all is well and that we can speak!!

Best regards,