I have just upgraded from avast program version 2014.9.0.2021 to version 2015.10.0.2208 running on Windows XP SP3
I noticed that this new version was continuously scanning. On checking the statistics, I found that it is scaning my PC Tools Firewall Plus program all the time. This did not happen in the 2014 version of the program. When I excluded the firewall program, firewallgui.exe, from the file system shield, the continuous scanning stopped.
I attempted to return to the 2014 version by doing a system restore. All appeared okay execept that for local statistics which simply do not show.
I undid the system restore and am now running avast 2015 with my firewall excluded.
I am very concerned about having to exclude the firewall from the file system shield.
Is there any other way that I can stop the firewall being continuously scanned?