Had to pay over 79 dollars and it´s not my fault?

Have Avast Premium Security for a long time, they did some update and suddenly did not my wifi work?
Called support and he said after searching that I had a hidden McAfee that did that this happen and if I wonted it fixed.
I have never installed McAfee and Avast has worked fine until this update, otherwise I am hacked and the Avast don´t work?
Had to pay over 79 dollar for a quick fix, he removed the hidden files.
Why was I charged he said that because it was a third part that conflicted with Avast.
But everything had been working fine before, why now?
Mail them and asked for refund then I got a response that they should look in to my case and I should contact them after 5 working days if I not have heard from them.
I email them after 7 working days, now answer.
Email after 2 weeks now answer?
Now it has gone over a month and still no answer or explanation.
I work with computers so I now that I did not install McAfee of accident or what ever.
I think that is very rude to me as a customer not to write back.
Avast should go out with a list of all third programs that can conflict with Avast so everybody now.
I fell that they cheated me of my money and don´t even reply, bad advertising for such a big company.
That is my opinion!

Who is “them” and who did you call?

Contact Sales: https://support.avast.com/contact/enter/
If you don’t have an order # use 00000000 then explain your problem.

I work with computers so I now that I did not install McAfee of accident or what ever.
"McAfee Security Scan Plus" comes bundled with some Adobe programs, if you install/update Adobe programs and dont opt out/uncheck it may be installed
Avast should go out with a list of all third programs that can conflict with Avast so everybody now.
Uninstalling other antivirus software >> https://support.avast.com/en-ww/article/Uninstall-other-antivirus

Thank you for answers!
I have mailed all the addresses that I could find, but not no answer still.
I now that Adobe have McAfee and I don´t have no program agree to download until my permission.
If I have have downloaded Adobe because the there program are downloading Adobe with McAfee, am I responsible?
Avast have this that monitors if I have to update my program and I always check this.
Why now when it has never been a problem before?

I have still got an answer regarding this and I think is so bad.
Can´t they write an answer what there opinion of this matter?
Perhaps they don´t answer people that are afraid to be right?

You received the information for requesting a refund.

I have finally got an answer from Avast.
But they want me to call to them to discuss this?
No I will have this in writing.
Regarding your comment Bob3160 and Pondus, I can not find that before I install Avast I have to search for program that can conflict with Avast?
But thanks for the link to Avast support, but late.
If I buy a new computer and want to have Avast, if the have demands that my computer have no third parties in my computer then it should be written in big letters.
But that was not my case, I have not changed anything and had Avast for many years and now problems.
But now suddenly I had I problem that was my fault?
Why should I have to pay?

You need to talk to Avast. Pondus and I don’t work for Avast. We are simply volunteers.

No, I don´t have to call Avast.
I asked for my case in writing and now it soon solved i hope.
I got good feedback on my case from Avast.