Hallo help pleas

my avast free software not update :-[

i had virus. like it was some malware.

my windows 7 system. 4 gb ram.

scan avast not give the virus in list. but miscrosoft essential quarantine it and delete. :wink:

but now my avast antivirus web shield not work :cry:
i avast try reinstall but not help:(

again i try no help , still :cry:

so i delete avast from computer. restart and install again on computer…

now avast work nice, but now avast not update. :frowning: write package broken:|

pls help my computer is very important for shop… i use it almost 10 hours day cannot live without it.

thanks in advance…

Mohammed Shariq
New Delhi

Follow the instructions given here:

Also since u used security essentials download and run the uninstall utility from here:

Then reinstall avast! and tell me if it works…


i did all that you mentioned above… but it not update my virus program. :frowning:

i see still updating, but as i say “pachage broken” :cry:

perhaps you should try doing a scan with malwarebytes first then post the log here :confused: just to make sure the malware is out from the system… because antiviruses only detects and delete the file which is infected never know the remnants of the malware are there :slight_smile:

ok try to repair avast follow the instructions:

start → control panel → add remove programs → click on avast and click uninstall → when the uninstaller windows pops up click on repair and follow the steps there restart and report back :slight_smile:

or try the update tab on the uninstaller

yes, i do now… thanks all you:)

by way, my computer scan on malwarebytes program,
i will update all here ok?

but avast is good software why cannot detect malware?:frowning:

yes sure update it all here

wait so is your avast updating already?

your last question i do not know how to answer lets just say not all antivirus programs are perfect malwarebytes are more concentrated to removing harder infections :slight_smile: pls correct me if im wrong

ur welcome happy to help :wink:


my friend.

try update from avast uninstaller program service, but connection terminate(retry)… what do??

i happy very much :wink:
program update taking place now… :slight_smile:

last update (date 2011 :open_mouth: )
so now i am happy:) very much…

by the way, i need donwload update use this uninstaller update service again again??:o

did you try to repair?

if it fails… restart your internet connection… like off the modem wait for 30 seconds and on it again… restart your computer try the process again :slight_smile:

but seriously use the repair button first if it doesn’t resolve the problem try the method mentioned above this comment ^

it update :slight_smile: becose my internet connection balance show network run :slight_smile:
i use gsm card:)
take time this way , so no worry waiting:)

sorry my english chinese person say arabic:o :stuck_out_tongue:

ok so is it working now my friend??? by the way your english is a bit hard to understand soim trying my best here to get what you are saying

yes update server working:) thank u alot:)

i cannot study more cause was poor(only 10th class study) :frowning: leg cut by train, :cry: now i my own shop of computer and internet. (cafe business)

yes it work… :wink: 8)
also malwarebyte no malware show :slight_smile: :wink:
so now i happy. :slight_smile:

as said, my english as chinese speak arabic hahah:p so sorry…

but friend what to do this again again from uninstaller update service to update everything?? :o

omg ur welcome happy to help :slight_smile:

omg you poor thing feel really sorry for you…sigh guess im not the only one that complains about my life… you my friend take good care :slight_smile: good luck :slight_smile: run a computer buisness on malware removal :slight_smile: its fun trust me…

thanks alot;)

you miss my question :cry:

lol ok according to your question i dont think you will need to do that again but if the problem occurs repeatedly… you might like to reinstall avast :confused: unless there are people who are more expertise then me in the forums which are able to help you :slight_smile: