Hi Miha, my forum friend,
I wish you a happy birthday & sto lat (100 years), Miha.
Many happy returns of the day.
Looking forward to many of your interesting postings, clearing a lot of dark spots in the field of security.
polonus aka Damian
Hi Miha, my forum friend,
I wish you a happy birthday & sto lat (100 years), Miha.
Many happy returns of the day.
Looking forward to many of your interesting postings, clearing a lot of dark spots in the field of security.
polonus aka Damian
May you have too many more !
Happy Birthday, my friend.
All the best
Hi Revan & Happy Birthday. I wish all the best for my ex-compatriot
Those were the days my friend
“Kad smo bili pioniri!” ;D ;D
I hope you will understand this, written in Serbian, couse our languages are similar. Sorry for other forum posters
Happy Birthday Mikey…
I’ve said it once, I’ll say it again - Happy Birthday. Let your wishes come true. All wishes (especially BMW) ;D
Happy Birthday ReVan!
Hope you have a great day! Wishing you the best year ever.
Thank you my dear forum friends i really appreciate this, makes a person feel nice to see forum friends are thinking of him … ;D
@Zagor: Da prijatelju moj bila su to sretna vremena za sve nas
Mikey the Star Wars fanatic
Happy Birthday ReVan.
Happy birthday my wonderful friend !!! And of course many more to come !!!
Jeste, prosto mi se hebe sta ce vecina misliti, ali Juga je bila zakon i tko-god sta ima za reci protiv, je samo j****i desnicar i nista vise…
Da Bog da ti porodica pripremila prekrasnu veliku tortu prijatelju moj !!! ;D ;D ;D Uzivaj !
Watch the light sabers Mikey
All the vey best have a great day
The potato strikes back, hehe !!! ;D ;D ;D
maaash you mate :
Er…am I late?
Well, better late than sorry. Happy Birthday, ReVaN! ;D
No problem for being late Umath it’s the thaught that counts
Happy Birthday.