Happy Thanksgiving

I just wanted to wish everyone on the forums a happy Thanksgiving.

Of course only to the people from USA. We already had it in Canada (it’s earlier than in USA), and I don’t even know for other parts of the Wolrd… do they even have something like that. It would be nice to hear from people who comes from different parts of the globe.

Ha, we’re having ours today. I do believe China and Japan have something similar to this Holiday :-\

Here we haven’t such a beatifull celebration today :-\


Happy Thanksgiving back to you. Have a nice day. :slight_smile:

Happy Thanksgiving justin1278 and every one else to.

Nice thing you did there Bob. Happy Thanksgiving :slight_smile:

Thanks Inu-Ya,
But I can’t take credit for someone elses work. I got this in an e-mail today.
Besides, I’m Bob not Sasha… ;D ;D ;D

Happy Thanksgiving everyone!!! ;D

You should hide today or you may still wind up in someones pot and be served for supper… ;D

lol, “Good one there ;D”

hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving and for those who live in places that have it at a different time of year than i hope you had a great day.

Happy Thanksgiving to all who celebrate it. :slight_smile:

Sasha…we don’t celebrate Thanksgiving in Australia.The equivalent is Christmas Day when we still have family get-togethers and of course Turkey

of course, how rude of me

happy thanksgiving ya’ll

tim ;D