A not so happy consumer … >:( see video…
A not so happy consumer … >:( see video…
he should have sued HP instead of doing that ;D
That would have been something I definitely would have pursued. Trust me on this. Thanks for the link Pondus.
I was serious, there were good reasons, chances are he could have got a new laptop. I would have sued them after these successive motherboard failures and replacements… until the warranty period is over and the guy is left with nothing.
Hi Logos…
The motherboard “alone” would have been worth my time to go after HP. After a couple of failed efforts with replacing it, their company should have given the consumer another computer. Who knows, he may still be able to do something about it. I’m counting on it.
Never new HP had such a bad rep. I have one with some issues but those are mostly driver related. So far no major failures. Some slightly dead pixel on my screen but otherwise it works fine. Hope it stays that way.
But to be fair others have paved the way before HP. I recall some models of DELL laptops having motherboard issues.
Well like i say no 1 can be better than any. Its up to the user to if he choice HP or what ever. I can just say HP never failed with any of customer that any 1 i see that use it. So far maybe some time im wondering if the problem is the customer that being annoying or such unrespectfull ? Well the only person that know is the customer. As im sure they all say “Hi hi hi im going to … HP today” :
By that i mean that no 1 human will can make the best technology or what ever. But still if HP was the only business for make computer i think all would say “Its the best” … So its make some challenge to got “Dell and much more business” but in same time its make alot problem to make those complaint. If you got something instead of glitching them. Then take a paper or take your keyboard and call their support so they can help you more than glitching a business. I alway said that a Customer + Business = Can make winning thing.
Edit : No to make a “War” about HP or what ever but still you need to understand that maybe today its will be Dell that will make some errors… Also i dont even readed the article but the 5 words that Pondus said but i think its explain all Dont be target Pondus. I just wanted to say my words about what you posted so you have nothing to be angry again me.