every time i run app or browse internet in G:_SYSTEM_\TEMP_avast_ popups multiple files named nsfsp… i can live with this
but when i launch world of warcraft, lineage 2 or any other hevy content game or while i download game in steam ;/ Avast goes crazy creating 15+ files per second in G:_SYSTEM_\TEMP_avast_\nsfsp… which causes fps drops and sometimes ingame freeez or memory leaks
i added partition D and E (steam and games localization) to exclude scaning on this partitions to stop creating nsfsp… but this ‘exclude’ does not work becose nsfsp… still appears
whan i turn off all protections in avast i can play without any problems
what do I have to do to pernamently stop scaning on partition d and e ? to stop crating those files in temp ???
i5 9600kf
2x16gb g.skill trident
msi 1660 ti
mpg z390 gaming edge ac
ssd m2 samsung 500gb partition c_50gb and d_430gb
ssd samsung 1tb partion e
wd black 1tb partion f and g
seasonic focus plus gold 650w
fresh instaled newest wersion of win10 1909 18363.535
ps. a few months ago I didn’t have such problems; / appeared with some avast update PLS HELP!
ps2. google translator SRY