Hardened mode?

Where can i find the hardened mode in Avast , i can’t find it anywhere?

Video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BUwx__Xy2Wk

General settings… it doesn’t work though and hasn’t worked since 2014 came out

It works. The exclusions don’t stick though.

Lol then it doesn’t work. I put up with it for the longest time before I just turned if off. If you want to keep adding them in there then knock yourself out

What doesn’t stick is the Add an exclusion option in the popup - but if you copy and paste the full path into the hardened mode exclusions, that sticks. If you OK your way out and then come back in to the hardened mode exclusions, the path you pasted in is still there. That was working on RC3 build 10.0.2204 I believe, presumably that will be the same in 10.0.2206.

I found this a great explanation: https://forum.avast.com/index.php?topic=142172.msg1032485#msg1032485