if so maybe you can help me. Included in avast mobile security ipws anti theft and I need to enable it. Because when I look at my avast account on my mobile (within avast mobile security anti theft) it says not connected to any account.
So I select that and it offers me to sign on my e-mail or with facebook
I chose e-mail
so I type in my e-mail. I type in my phone number prefixed with 00
and on that window I select signon
it says connecting to account
Then this
The email address is already used in my.avast.com enter the password for the account or chose another e-mail address
Password for what 1- my e-mail account 2- id.avast.com either way the passwords don’t work .ps I’m not signed in my e-mail or my id.avast.com
Has anybody have this problem. My understanding is if the web page id.avast.com would be able to locate a lost phone but How do I update that page to include this information?