Have license for Avast 4 - Need to install on new Win 7 machine

I’ve been reading the posts and it appears there are various ways to install the license key depending on which version and where you are installing from.

I have an Avast 4 Professional license I was using on an XP system. I now have a new Windows 7 machine – apparently I have to install Avast 5 at this point. I downloaded the Avast 5 Professional but it will not take the license key I have from Avast 4 Pro.

I have the Avast Quick Tips from Jack 1000 post on 5/02/10. Am I set to go with this info? ???

Many thanks.


  • avast! 5 Pro license convert from 4.8 Pro license. Try http://www.avast.com/resend-license.php now, fill in the form giving your email and 4.8 Pro License key and they will send the new license file to you (presumably it will check you have a legit 4.8 Pro license first).

I have done just exactly as you say above. But when the email comes, showing a license KEY in the text, there is no attachment with the email (have tried twice now having them send it to me) and the Registration in Avast 5 requires you to look/search for a file to activate. I am guessing that I should have had an attached file to the emails I rcv’d from Avast … correct? Thank you.

That is my understanding, you should get an email with an attachment that you save to a folder and point avast at that files location. The file is license.avastlic as far as I’m aware, if you aren’t getting any attachment, does your ISP have any anti-spam/virus filtering that might remove the attachment ?

Try contacting sales (at) avast (dot) com and see if they can cast any light on it.

Well, there are also “smart” apps (even webmail ones) that “embed” the attachment “preview” into mail body if it matches a mime type they can handle. That’s another source of huge confusion for users.

The latest version (5.0.545) also accepts old 4.8 keys…!
Read here: http://forum.avast.com/index.php?topic=59408.0