Have Secure Virtual Machine, but no NG

Hello everyone.

I have Windows 8.1 Pro 64-Bits (Too many problems with Windows 10, going back).

I have here AIS, with Secure Virtual Machine, but there’s no Avast NG in the Task Manager.
If I try the command “ngtool.exe isready” in the ng folder:

error: NG machines are NOT ready to use, error: 0x00000032

What do I have to do to use the NG?

Thank you guys for helping me.

Is hardware virtualization enabled in the bios ?
Did you perform a clean installation of Windows 8.1 ?
Did you perform a repair of avast ?
Did you perform a clean installation of the latest avast version ?

1 - Yes (The only option in BIOS that probably is about it is “Virtualization”, which is on).
2 - Yes (I did it yesterday)
3 - Not yet, will try now. EDIT: No success, still doesn’t have NG.
4 - Yes, since I reinstalled Windows yesterday, then I just installed the latest version of Avast.

EDIT: Even if there’s no Avast NG in the task manager now, I remember seeing it only once in the task manager, but I think it should be open all the time, right?

Ok, make sure you have this version :

Control panel > software > avast > change
Is the virtualization enabled ?
If not, do so and reboot.

If it is,
disable it and reboot
enable it again and reboot

Let’s see if that is a making a difference.

My Avast version is 11.1.2245, so I bet its the same as the page you showed. I cant find the “Visrtualisation” item. The correct name is “Secure Virtual Machine”?.

Looks like that explains it.

I disabled and then re-enabled the “Secure Virtual Machine”, but no luck :-\

EDIT: I don’t know if this can help, but here is what the “ngtool.log” had inside:

17.12.2015 13:30:32.328 1532 | error: CLSID_SessionAsw creation failed, error: 0x80040154
17.12.2015 15:22:13.302 1528 | error: CLSID_SessionAsw creation failed, error: 0x80040154

EDIT2: Just found this in my Task Manager (check image)

Strangely, it disappeared few moments later.