Have to re-register

Avast does not recognize me (after five years), so I had to re-register with new name and details. Why? The icon in lower right tray shows Avast is “off,” even though it is running right now. Why is everything so complicated? In my left tray it says Avast 5, but is that the most up-to-date FREE version? Can someone explain things in a non-technical manner for a simple person as I am? Thanks

did you install new version on top of old version?

if so try removing with this… run for evry version you had and reboot
read instructions before you start http://www.avast.com/uninstall-utility

then install latest version again and reboot

OK, that makes sense to me. Amazingly! I have printed out the link to uninstall, but will wait until my plumber (also my computer geek) is able to assist me in this endeavor. I hate venturing out alone. My thanks for your wisdom.