have you update the virus defination regularly?

i always check for new virus definations but it says that it is up to date. However, this is strange when I update virus or even update program in the middle of September, it says that the virus defination is up to date on 2003-8-3. Is it dangerous, or not nesessary to notice this, or the defination is really up to date?

Once after I updated the Avast program , the program didn’t work…

Although I have a little complain, I still like Avast! Forever~



I have Virus-Definitions 0309-4 from 26 Sep. 2003 with prog version 4.1.268

what WIN do you have ? What avast version exactly ?
Did you try a manual update for program & VPS ?
how do you connect to inet ? do you use a firewall/proxy/router ?

if further attempts to update don’t work, maybe a clean uninstall and reinstall of the newest version from www.avast.com would be advisable, or give some more info here…


Wing, have you tried to download the vps file manually? They’re located at http://www.avast.com/i_idt_250.html for avast! 4.

Maybe it works ???

Wing, come back to your forum…
The VPS updates come up on Tuesdays and Thursdays regulary…
The last one is 0309-5 30-Sep-03. :wink: