Well I just got my wireless internet hooked up and well the only problem Im having is Windows Update is hanging like its searching and searching and searching and now Im coming up with a error like this
The website has encountered a problem and cannot display the page you are trying to view. The options provided below might help you solve the problem.
Could someone help me figure out what the problem is?
As of July 2nd 2005
Well since last night Im getting the same issue again which was strange as for some reason it let me update a few days prior to that . I went to the Help site as someone here suggested but even after doing that it wouldnt work.
What else can I do and how do I check the Active X controls?
See if the following link will help you: http://support.microsoft.com/?scid=kb;en-us;836961
If you have a proxy server set, try disabeling it and see if that allows you to get to the update site.
I have to disable the proxy server set up for Webshield in avast! whenever I check the update site.
Once the updates have been done, I re-enable the proxy server again.
Let us know if you solve your problem.
Its Zonealarm Security Suite that was interfering least this time. After I turned it off for a moment I was able to upgrade settings that Microsoft did for there site and so far I didnt see any critical updates…But in future what can I do to configure ZA so I dont half to shut it down every time?