I can’t update the virus definitions at all with my Kidle Fire, and I have a good WiFi connection. Auto update isn’t working Either.
What is the problem? Do you receive any message from AMS? Isn´t the Fire a tablet - we do not supprot tablets yet.
Also what application version do you have?
Yes the Kindle Fire is a Tablet, and what do you mean which app version. Which app are you talking about, Droid OS, or ?. I hope your team is working towards a fix, I use avast! for my laptop and have for Two years, I would Like the same Great Quality Protection for my Tablet.
I think Filip wants the avast mobile security version, latest 1.0.1473 (which fixed an auto update problem). Though it probably wouldn’t hurt giving the Android OS version as well.
The mobile version is 1.0.1282, not sure which android version I have, but the system version is 6.2.2
I suggest that you go to the android market and get the latest avast! mobile security version. I don’t know if you have the My Apps option when you visit the market, it should show you what apps you have installed and which have updates available.
Very customised android
There is a new update, but I’m not sure it’s already up on the Amazon Market. The automatic updates were among the things fixed in the update. Wait until it’s available and try the new version, please.
I wrote up a DIY on how to install the Avast Mobile Security suite on the Kindle Fire. For some reason when it is installed via the Amazon app store, a load of problems are also installed…when you install it manually it works a lot better. No problems after manually installing the suite on my Kindle Fire.
Thanks, we are dealing now with Amazon boys, so I hope we will solve it asap.