Having problems with blocking web pages

I have avast 4.6 and has started blocking web pages after I sign into a secure place, like webmail i.e. hotmail and yahoo as well various other places like forums…
I have narrowed it down to the web shield but cant find a adjustment to fix the problem besides adding url’s into its exception box. It used to not do this. I am not sure if it started after an automatic upgrade/download or what but it is very frustrating…

Which browse are you using? Which is your operational system?

WebShield scanns only non-encrypted traffic over HTTP. Maybe when you’re changing from a normal HTTP to HTTPS the problem is appearing.

I am running firefox on XP.


I did not completely understand your post. What sites are you trying to block?


I am not trying to block any… Avast is somehow causeing web sites that I have to sign into with a password to kick me out. such as hotmail or yahoo. I know it is the web shield because when I stop the service I don’t have any problems.

rickou812,do you have the same problem using ie?

What is your firewall?

Check the forum search for things like can’t log on to hotmail/yahoo this has happened previously and I believe it was something about firewall privacy settings, but it has certainly cropped up before.


If it was my firewall(zone Alarm) why would stopping Avast Web Sheild solve the problem?
I have been useing avast for over 2 years with out any problems until now.
I am sure it has something to do with a recent update.
When the pages or blocked/regected by the server, it gives a error message about I must be able to except cookies.
I believe that the web sheild is blocking these cookies causeing the regection.

If there happens to be a conflict between the firewall and web shield, stopping one of them would resolve the conflict.

When the pages or blocked/regected by the server, it gives a error message about I must be able to except cookies.
Web Shield doesn't block anything, it scans and warns if an infected or suspect file is detected. This makes me think the fault lies elsewhere: Do you have ZA Pro if so what are Privacy settings? Do you have any cookie blocking software? What are your cookie settings in firefox?

Good point, I will try it the other way around and see what happens.

Not the firewall…
Something more, as soon as I restarted web shield I was also just logged out of this forum… I had to turn off web shield and sign back in.

Any answers for the other questions?

I do have ZA pro but it is off.
I do not have any cookie blocking software.
They are set to default setting, which they have been for the last year. which is “Allow sites to set cookies”

The fact that ZA Pro is off, may only mean parts of it are off, some of the services may well still be running.
What is the Privacy setting, High can cause this conflict ?
Do you have the latest version of ZA Pro as some changes have been made to improve compatibility ?
You can safely lower the privacy settings, especially when using firefox as it has many of the same functions and you can use extensions also for pop-ups/ad blocking, etc.