Once you complete your purchase of Avast Pro, you are taken to a summary page and it has two blue links for downloading the product you purchased plus the license file.
The link for Avast Pro, today, is downloading:
File name setup_av_pro_2.exe
Avast Pro v6.0.1289.0
Digital signature dated … September 6, 2011
Now. if you wait on your emailed invoice, the link provided there is:
File name: setup_av_pro.exe
**Avast Pro v7.0.1407.0
Digital signature dated February 23, 2012
So make sure you are downloading the right version!
If any of you work for Avast, you might want to look into this.
Other less observant customers may likely purchase Avast 7 and end up downloading and installing v6 and have to go through the upgrade mess etc.
A purchase I made on Thursday from the Avast store for AV Pro did offer v7, but it was yet another
File name avast_pro_antivirus_setup.exe
File version v7.0.1407.0
I have been using Avast Free for a long time. With this release of v7 I decided to go Pro.
The Web Store experience and customer phone support have been plain awful.
I am a strange bird in that if the product is solid, I don’t care about the other factors.
But this Web Store mess is likely to lose you other less forgiving customers.
The entire Avast v7 roll out from UI to WebStore is screaming - “rushed to production”
It’s cool and all to release software on your anniversary date. But next year maybe ditch that strategy in favor of the tried and true method of releasing software … when it’s truly ready, and not a moment sooner.