heed help

my avast won’t let me defrag my hard drive it starts then i get a message that it can’t go further and it stops i even disabled avast need help plz operating system xp it says the scan has been cancelled an error occurred in C/documents and settings/milena/local settings/temp/AVAST4/unp165430765 then i click ok and defrag stops need help thanks for the help fixed the problem

what for message get you?

When running defrag it is advisable to shutdown all non-essential programs, especially anti-virus as it will keep checking what defrag is doing.

However I have on occasion forgotten to disable avast, but using the defrag program that comes with WinXP Pro it didn’t have an adverse effect. So it could well be something else, where the error occured is not necessarily the program at fault.

You might want to download RajZors avast! External Control Tool http://freeweb.siol.net/razor256/downloads/avast_external_control.zip if you haven’t already. It will allow you to completely shutdown avast. You will however, have to restart avast after your defrag.

HTH David

I suggest that you first clean your temporary files folder…
You will get rid of that file, clean the HDD and perform a better defragmentation.
Also, you can disable avast: right click the icon on the system tray and choose ‘Stop providers and exit’. :wink: