Hello Support , I do not have PAY PAL here in Russia etc.

Hello Support ,
I do not have PAY PAL or a credit card here in Russia therefore, is the an alternative payment option credit card is definitely a NO PAY PAL does not work here in Russia besides m I do not like them ! I do as I know you will not use PAYMENT PROCESSORS as to why not seems to amaze me so, the payment processors issue , I have a PAYEER WALLET ACCOUNT as I feel if I going to benefit from using AVAST SERVICES i.e a full FIRE WALL and so on and so forth then I would like you feedback on the subject please .

Thank you ,

Contact Sales: https://support.avast.com/en-us/contact/enter/

Thank you for your reply I have checked the URL LINK and really, I dont understand this all I want is that to UPGRADE I wish that this service has alternative payment systems with regards to PAY PAL one has to have a CREDIT CARD and as I a NON RUSSIAN RESIDENT and being a British citizen married to my Russian Wife it is a problem however, in saying this I like the AVAST SYSTEM and really, I dont have to UPGRADE at all as long my home desktop PC has no problems i.e YOUR PROTECTED is all I want rather having all the BIBS AND BOBS i.e extra security NO WORRIES then .

Thank you for your kind help,
Regards to you Sir,
Alistair 13