I really need some help. I am new to avast and any antivirus for that matter so I don’t know a lot or the lingo. Recently i downloaded a free trial of PeoplePC dial up and that’s when my nightmare began. A couple of days later avast detected a virus. I followed the prompts, sent it to the chest, but more kept popping up. I felt like I was being attacked especially with the sound effects of a nuclear attack. eventually i clicked on boot-time scan. it found several viruses and i deleted them…or so i thought because they came back. also a porn website keeps popping up and i think it’s related to the virus. when i’m offline i keep getting a prompt saying a network connection was requested and which internet do i want to use and it keeps popping up within seconds after i click cancel or open. as soon as i log on i get a virus warning. i tried deleting all internet temp files, cookies, and offline files. i tried turning system restore off with xp home edition and then did a boot-time scan again, a few more viruses found and deleted, but to no avail. what do i do? am i doing something wrong? as i type this the damn trojan horse warning is flashing on my screen. here are a list of the viruses:
pleas can somebody help?!
i almost forgot, when i try to move to chest or delete, it now gives me a system error saying it cannot find file. now what do i do?!