Help!!Auto_run flash memory virus

???hey guys,i have a problem with my 512mb flash disk,a virus i think and not recognised by avast,has infected it,when i plug it into the usb slot my pc freeze, i think that this 2 process start when i plus the flash disk : loaderw.exe and mmc.exe,and in My computer i find 2 icons,one for my usb,and another one named "Auto_run"who have a size of454kb ??? can u plz help me to remove this shit from my flash disk?? 10x alooot

could it be that you might have a faulty drive? i think one of my friends one time had troubles similar to what you’re describing but after he went and bought a new one it never happened again.

What operating system is that?
Can you search for the mentioned file (auto_run) on your disk? If you find it, check it’s properties (version info)… maybe there’s something there that might give us a hint.