Me sale periódicamente la siguiente ventana a pesar de tener el programa y las bases de datos actualizadas ???
Me sale periódicamente la siguiente ventana a pesar de tener el programa y las bases de datos actualizadas ???
Usted debe estar usando la versión 4.8. Haga la actualización para la version 5.0
Si al parecer como dice Tech tienes la versión 4.8, puedes descargar avast! 5.0 desde aquí:
Pues sí, Tech y Alexp, eso era. Pensaba que los procesos automáticos de actualización se habrían hecho cargo de ello pero no.
Im sorry for grabbing out this old post, but i don
t speak spanish or portugiese and i have a problem with the Avast! Licensing Alert.
I found this by google about this thema and i`m not sure if i should press actualizing. A few days ago i had an attack by a fake programm named ThinkPoint and could with a lot of trouble get rid off. Now I´m not sure if this message is trustable.
Can please someone tell me if i can update Avast via this Avast! Licensing Alert Message or if it is possibly a Malware thing like ThinkPoint?
Thank you very much in advance.
Better would be an installation from scratch:
Thank you for the response.
Ive used CCleaner for the deinstallation of Avast!. Afterwards i restarded my PC and went to safe mode. There i used the Avast! Uninstall utility, like you told. I restarded again and installed the new Avast!, but i took Avast! Internet Security (it looks a bit better). Now the icons for Avast! are orange not blue and the female voice who
s telling me that my PC was updated sounds better. ;D
Thank you very much, i hope my PC is now a bit safer than before.
EDIT: One question at the end. I dont wanna use some unserious, illegal serial from warez sites and buy me a 1 year license legal from Avast!. I would like to use the option *Lastschrift*. Can i be sure that my data is safe when i give them to avast!? Sorry that i
m looking like over-panicking but for me 43€ are many money.
Buy at the official site,