I installed Avast on a new build and can’t run Battlefiled 2 with it. Is there anything I need to adjust/change in the settings? All other game seem to run fine, WoW, SWG etc… but BF2 hangs at the loggin and dosent respond/freezes comp. If I remove Avast everything works fine. Please help as I want to keep this AV.
An Experiment for you:
Havbe you tried to temporarily stop avast’s on-access protection (right click on blue circle in taskbar)? If so, can you then run BF2 ok?
I have and it ran 1 out of 3 trys. as soon as I removed it BF2 runs like a champ. I hate all the other virus programs so im going to mess with some of virtual settings and what not. I was hoping someone may know what it was right off. Any suggestions on what to change?
I think it has something to do with my ethernet connection, does Avast modify anything there?
I would suggest it may be one of the other providers than standard sheild .First i would stop web sheild then try it.
faling that i would try network sheild off.
One of my sons is a big user of BF2 and it works fine with Avast!. Our connection is T1 which it seemed to perform well with.
good luck .
i had avast with bf 2 just last week and was running fine,
but few days ago did a programe update of avast and now i also can’t run bf2, takes ages to login in and then nothing will show in the server list…
Let me guess, the new web shield in Avast! blocks your HTTP port 80?
Please check if you can browse internet sites when it happens, if not the above problem does occur.
Strictly speeking, avast! WebShield does not block anything as it is not a firewall.
It just scan the HTTP traffic.
On contrary, the firewall could block WebShield access (and scanning of the HTTP traffic).
You should allow ashWebSv.exe to connect into your firewall settings.
Are you using a local proxy (annonimizer program, for instance)?
Program updates change certain components of avast, onw of which is the Web Shield, ashWebSv.exe, your firewall should recognise this change and ask for permission to connect, if you block it this could well be your problem. Check your firewall Program/Applications section.