Hi, i really need help with my computer.
It runs on windows xp
I got the personal security virus on my computer
and scanned it with malwerebytes and cleaned it then
after reboot i scanned it with avast an it said i had over
3000 infected files and i started the clean up, halfway
trough it said that there isn´t enough memory to complete,
so i rebooted again and then i got the log in-log out problem
and i tried to copy the userinit.exe file to wsaupdater.exe but
it says that the file doesen´t exist.
Then i tried to connect by a networkwed computer with xp and
copied the clean userinit.exe from that computer to the otherone
and one copy named wsaupdater.exe and still the same problem.
I think avast quarantined all infected files and beacuse the computer
at least started before the avast scanning i think it has to do with that.
I know avast created a restore point on the computer
is there any way i can restore this whe i can´t log on?
I´ve tried start in safe mode, last known good configuration
and the recovery console but nothing i do seems to work.
Can anybody help me please!