Help cannot send large files..

I have read tons of other people with same problem, but I am not that computer savy. I cannot find where to shut off outgoing email scan on Avast. I have incredimail. I cannot find where to increase time on my advanced tools. I hear what everyone is saying but I cannot find these to try to re set. Driving me crazy. Need detailed instructions I guess… Oh… what if I do turn off outgoing scans, is that a big deal? I only send what I make or receive which should be clean… Thanks Patty

Disabling outbound scans is done in the Internet Mail provider, Customize, SMTP, see image.

I don’t know anything about Incredimail so I can’t suggest where to find the increase timeout delay, but I would have thought it would have been in a similar location to outlook express in each of the account settings, advanced has a server timeout delay. Is there nothing in the Incredimail help file ?

I assume you are getting this increase the timeout from some other forum topic ?
If so the timeout has changed somewhat and is a very unusual occurrence now so if it is an old topic it may not be relevant.

What errors are you getting ?
How big is the email attachment ?
Is there any attachment restriction in Incredimail or with your ISP ?

Thanks , I changed the time out on avast. Can’t find even on search a time out setting on incredimail. May just setting on Avast will do the trick. Will not turn off the out going scan until I find out if just changing the time out works… :slight_smile: :wink:

But what are the errors you are getting along with the other questions ?

Welcome to the forums.

Maybe you can add the following line to the [MailScanner] section of \data\avast4.ini:
Then generate some traffic, simulate the problem (i.e. force the avast mail scanner to time out by sending an email with attachment) and then post here the contents of the file \data\log\aswMaiSv.log


The scanning by avast of outgoing emails takes place inside your system and takes practically no time at all. There is no realistic evidence to suggest that turning off outbound scanning affects the time of message delivery.

In most cases the critical issue is the timeout that is running in the email client (in this case Incredimail). You have not mentioned what type of network connection you have and the size of the attachment you are trying to send. If your mail client times out in the middle of sending the attachment - fiddling with the antivirus scan will just be a wasted effort.

So, we would need some better information on the outbound speed of your connection and the size of the attachment you need to send out.