Help! Cannot set pin recovery number. Pin Recovery Not set?

I just ran into this same problem on my droid cell phone. After trying all the normal pins, I just got a (red) ! and “pin recovery not set” I logged on to my avast account using my computer. Went to the anti theft area and tried to change the settings. I tried 0000, 00000, my normal pin and a new pin. after reading some in the forum i think I needed a to add a 00 to the begining of the first friend phone number. I then tried everything again all the possible pins and phone number of 00-xxx xxx xxxx. The only response I get on the computer is “Please specify a valid SET command.” I also tried to uninstall the program and reinstall. I got the same enter pin recovery not set loop. My computer showed that I had uninstalled and reinstalled, but I continued to get the same message when I tried to change settings. Any Ideas anyone?? “Me thinks there are bugs, captain”

so what is your REAL issue?

Real issue? is I cannot get rid of the Pin recovery Not set. I cannot seem to change or use an old pin.